Roland Ruocco


Roland Ruocco, a native of Brooklyn, New York, attended the High School of Art and Design in New York City and Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. His early artwork was influenced by comic book illustrations and urban graffiti, while in college he particularly oriented himself towards the old masters, especially the romantic painters. This unique convergence has led to a fascinating body of work. "My artworks convey my perception of the world around me and encompass diverse topics, subjects, and artistic styles. Sometimes I identify problems and offer solutions, other times I focus on the beauty of nature or perhaps mechanical design. It depends on my mood and inspiration; I like the challenge of trying different artistic directions. My current work includes oil painting, drawing, sculpting and casting, LED-driven structural constructions, video tracks, map-making, and digital design." Since the mid-nineties, Roland has actively exhibited in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach County, and New York City, and his list of collectors is steadily growing. His studio in Florida also serves as the home for his New Light Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit charitable organization that conducts community outreach programs promoting the arts and education. Roland Ruocco's style places particular emphasis on capturing scenes and landscapes from nature. Ruocco skillfully uses a rich palette to render naturalistic images, with a special focus on serene and peaceful environments. Each piece displays a detailed observation of light and shadow, creating a realistic yet enhanced portrait of the subjects. There is an element of romanticism in the sweeping skies and lush landscapes, suggesting an appreciation for the grandeur of nature. His style is traditional and classical, with meticulous attention to the subtleties of color gradation and atmospheric effects, resulting in paintings that celebrate the beauty of the natural world. The style of these artworks adopts a modern interpretative approach, with elements of impressionism with a contemporary twist. Ruocco's art interprets traditional landscapes, emphasizing emotion, atmosphere, and personal interpretation rather than literal representation. The elements of South Florida – sea, clouds, and palms – influenced by time of day and weather conditions, portray moments of intimacy and perfection. These oil paintings, painted from life, do not depict actual scenes; they are tropical artworks that channel elements through the lens of my creative process, resulting in unique and sometimes surreal compositions.