Katrin Leuchtgelb



Katrin Leuchtgelb is an Austrian artist known for her meticulously hand-painted works that combine detailed allegorical depictions of animals with bold geometric backgrounds, exuding an almost meditative precision through the masterful use of ink and acrylic. Her art combines impressive attention to detail with profound symbolism, reminiscent of 19th-century natural history illustrations that are both precise and narrative. At the same time, her works radiate a unique elegance through their vibrant colors and ornamental patterns, with the geometric backgrounds skillfully playing with optical illusions to create a vibrant, almost hypnotic depth. Her visual language remains consistently original and distinctive, with the animals at the center of her works appearing as creatures from another world – a blend of surreal dreamscapes and scientific precision. Leuchtgelb’s work explores themes such as nature, geometry, life, and death, and by placing animals in unfamiliar settings, she invites reflection on the relationship between living beings and their environments. Her paintings celebrate the beauty of natural forms while emphasizing the unexpected and playful, full of energy and vitality. A striking example is Constricto, a large-scale depiction of a coiled snake framed by a geometric composition in vivid blue and yellow, where the animal motif becomes almost sculptural, while the geometric pattern creates a restless tension that captures the viewer’s gaze. This symbiosis between organic form and abstract background is characteristic of Leuchtgelb's works. Her pieces have been exhibited in several international shows in Vienna, Berlin, and Amsterdam, with recent and upcoming highlights including a solo exhibition at the Ernst Fuchs Museum in Vienna in 2024 and an artist residency at NDSM Art City in Amsterdam in the same year. She has previously been an artist-in-residence at Fondation Jetty in Amsterdam and KHB Studios in Berlin. Katrin Leuchtgelb's work is a vivid homage to the connection between life and art, geometry and nature, chaos and structure. She lives and works in Vienna, Austria. Constricto, eine großformatige Darstellung einer zusammengerollten Schlange, die von einer geometrischen Komposition aus lebhaftem Blau und Gelb umrahmt wird. Das animalische Motiv wird dabei fast skulptural, während das geometrische Muster eine unruhige Spannung erzeugt, die den Blick des Betrachters einfängt. Diese Symbiose zwischen organischer Form und abstraktem Hintergrund ist charakteristisch für Leuchtgelbs Werke. Ihre Arbeiten wurden bereits in mehreren internationalen Ausstellungen in Wien, Berlin und Amsterdam präsentiert, und zu ihren jüngsten und kommenden Höhepunkten gehören eine Einzelausstellung im Ernst-Fuchs-Museum in Wien im Jahr 2024 sowie ein Künstleraufenthalt in der NDSM Art City in Amsterdam, ebenfalls im Jahr 2024. Zuvor war sie unter anderem Resident-Künstlerin in der Fondation Jetty in Amsterdam und den KHB Studios in Berlin. Katrin Leuchtgelbs Werk ist eine lebendige Hommage an die Verbindung von Leben und Kunst, Geometrie und Natur, Chaos und Struktur. Sie lebt und arbeitet in Wien, Österreich.