Karin Reiter


Karin Reiter is a contemporary abstract expressionist from Vienna, Austria. Coming from an artist family, she inherited her passion for visual arts, growing up as the eldest child of a portraitist and engraver. Karin Reiter’s paintings are vibrant explosions of color and energy, strongly reminiscent of Joan Mitchell's style. With expressive brushstrokes and complex layers of color, Reiter creates a fascinating tactile texture that takes the viewer on an emotional journey. Each piece is a vivid depiction of emotions, allowing the viewer to engage with it both visually and mentally. Reiter uses a variety of techniques to create her unique artworks. By layering colors, flowing and splashing paint, and combining coarse and fine brushstrokes, she creates rich texture and depth. These techniques reflect the balance between spontaneous creativity and planned composition present in each work. Fascinated by the freedom of expression in abstractionism, Karin discovered this art form in midlife. Her artistic process involves the courage to try new things, take risks, and turn each substrate into an honest piece of art. She enjoys letting go of control in abstract painting while continuing to develop her artistic signature. Reiter stands humbly on the shoulders of great abstract artists who came before her. She is particularly fascinated by the “Ninth Street Women” from the 1940s and 1950s in New York, who successfully asserted themselves in a male-dominated domain. She also finds joy in studying the works of contemporary abstractionists from around the world. With a passion for interior design as well, Reiter finds inspiration in her physical surroundings and sees herself as a creative conduit. She cannot pass by a blank wall without noticing the “imaginary” artwork waiting to be created and hung in a well-designed space. Her painting practice is intuitive and dynamic, yet not without intention. Conscious choices like the selection of color, contrast, and marking tools alternate with spontaneous responses to the painted canvas. Adding and removing paint creates structure and depth, determining the aesthetic quality of her compositions. What she values most about abstract art is that "it tolerates ambiguity and turns the viewer into a co-creator." Discover the captivating and emotionally intense works of Karin Reiter. Each piece is unique, capturing the essence of abstract expressionism while adding a modern and personal touch.