Georgiana Vidal


Georgiana Vidal is a Brazilian visual artist with an impressive academic background, including a Bachelor's and postgraduate degrees in Drawing and Painting, a postgraduate degree in Art History, a postgraduate degree in Visual Arts, and numerous other specializations. Vidal's artistic résumé is rich with awards and recognitions, including honorable mentions and first places at prestigious art salons in Brazil, underscoring her significance in the art world. Her works have been presented in a wide array of solo and group exhibitions, from museums in Brazil to international stages in Paris and Helsinki, showcasing her broad appeal and the universal resonance of her creations. As an educator and author, Vidal gladly shares her extensive knowledge and insights with students and art enthusiasts, emphasizing the importance of creative education and the role of art in contemporary discourse. Her curatorial activities and contributions to cultural publications reflect her commitment to the art community and her desire to disseminate the beauty and complexity of visual art. Vidal stands out as a remarkable artist whose work blurs the boundaries between observing nature and creating art. Her art is a tribute to nature, particularly the Araucaria and its natural habitat, as well as other Brazilian plants. Her works are the result of tireless chromatic research, manifesting in life-like, though macroscopic, landscape representations. Figures in her works are expressed as color patches without contours, which, upon closer inspection, suggest the natural forms of the Araucaria and its surroundings. Vidal's deep engagement with the natural world is evident in the choice of her subjects and the technique of her oil paintings. Her ability to invite the viewer into a world where color and form speak their own language makes each of her works a distinctive experience. Her latest works, such as "Nature in Colors," "Still Life," and "Peaches," are shining examples of her skill and visionary approach to art. The variety of natural elements evokes different feelings and moods. Green and red abstract compositions convey feelings of calm and peace, often associated with green landscapes, while abstract representations of trees suggest a mix of admiration and awe for nature. The colorful leaves of the trees radiate joy and vitality, and the single tree symbolizes strength and steadfastness. Flower-like forms represent tenderness and beauty, while the use of soft curves and flowing forms convey a sense of soothing and organic growth. Abstract compositions with blue tones capture the coolness and expanse of the sky or sea, thus triggering feelings of freedom, infinity, or reflection. The beauty and tranquility in Vidal's artworks are not only a visual celebration of nature but also an invitation to reflect on the relationship between humans and the environment in today's world.