Bernd David


Bernd David, a versatile and profound German artist, is active as a painter, graphic artist, and art historian in the artistic panorama. He completed his studies at the renowned Philipps University in Marburg with a Magister Artium in Art History, Graphic Arts and Painting, European Ethnology, Literature and Media, Philosophy, Church Architecture, and Church Art. His artistic work includes landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and print graphics. Bernd David believes that art should be free, but often sees it as shackled in the modern world—echoing the thoughts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau on freedom and society. Inspired by Andy Warhol's influence on branding in modern art, David strives to break the chains of recognizability by exploring a variety of styles and materials in his works. A key work in David's portfolio is the impressive "Infinity Fields" series, consisting of a series of abstract landscapes. These works are painted in up to twelve layers of tempera with brilliant pigments on large-format canvases, achieving an intense color density and texture. The "Infinity Fields" are designed to take the viewer out of their state of being; they are not only visually appealing but also interactive. By using day and night luminous pigments, the images change depending on the intensity of the incoming light. Especially at twilight, a state that separates consciousness and subconscious for most people, the Infinity Fields develop a special radiance. This technique underscores David's endeavor to create artworks that have both a dynamic and almost living presence. In addition to the often hard dividing line of luminous colors, the images are based on a delicate pattern consisting of a spiral, as found in the baroque compositions of Peter Paul Rubens or the socially critical works of Goya. Bernd David describes it as a deeply rooted, archaic pattern that always unconsciously finds its way into his paintings. In these works, David explores the concept of infinity—both in terms of the seemingly endless expansion of the universe and the infinite possibilities of human experience. His abstract realism has evolved from landscape painting, particularly from a series of sunsets. Through the unique combination of traditional painting techniques with modern materials and themes, the "Infinity Fields" offer a fresh perspective on the possibilities of painting in the 21st century and invite viewers to go beyond the usual limits of perception and engage with the deeper, often hidden layers of reality. When asked about the diversity of his paintings, he says, "We should allow the contradiction and incoherence of artistic creation as a reflection on society and authenticity." Bernd David lives and works in Cologne, where he continues to explore and expand the boundaries of painting. His "Infinity Fields" are more than just paintings; they are living entities that are in constant dialogue with their surroundings and viewers. They challenge us to see the world around us—and perhaps ourselves—in a new light and explore what it means to live in the here and now while touching the infinite. A fascinating journey through the world of Bernd David can begin, with an artist who sees art not just as a profession, but as a lifelong passion and deep, personal means of expression.