Andreas Schmidt, known by his acronym ASAK, is a German artist based in Cologne. ASAK creates unique and intricate artworks from old vinyl records – a medium that is both fascinating and challenging. Vinyl, a material that melts under heat, rebinds itself, or breaks uncontrollably, has been mastered by Schmidt over the years. With daily dedication between 2013 and 2018, he perfected techniques to work with records while preserving their characteristic patina and harnessing their malleable properties for extraordinary artworks. ASAK's creations, which incorporate between 3,000 and 4,000 recycled vinyl records, represent more than just creative aesthetics. His approach to upcycling carries a powerful message about environmental protection. He demonstrates how perceived waste can be transformed into something beautiful, encouraging viewers to rethink the value of resources and the role of art in the context of sustainability. His artworks, including picture frames, sculptures, and wall art, are distinguished by meticulous attention to detail. ASAK works not only with random records – he considers the differences between singles and LPs to achieve unique patterns and effects. For him, vinyl is an underrated material that could be applied not only in art but also in fields such as architecture and design. ASAK describes his art with the terms "Action, Resignation, Transformation." For him, art is a universal expression of thought, offering new perspectives to both the creator and the viewer. His works are not accusations but offer solutions and inspire reflection. Art, according to Schmidt, is more than mere expression; it is transformation. Inspired by artists like Banksy, MC Escher, Kasimir Malevich, and Gerhard Richter, he combines simplicity, technical precision, and profound reflections in his works. Banksy’s globally understood language encouraged him to develop his own artistic voice, while Escher taught him to connect art and mathematics. Malevich and Richter showed him the importance of architecture, chance, and structure in art. Andreas Schmidt is an artist who has not only made a name for himself by creating unique works from recycled vinyl but has also demonstrated his passion for sustainability and his ability to use art as a universal language. His works stand for creativity, innovation, and the conviction that art can be a platform for positive change in the world.